Monday, February 15, 2016

"Education is the key to success"

          “Education is the most powerful we can use to change the world”. It can change the world and specially your life because education prepare you for a better future. High school life is the stage where you were build your wants or what you want to be someday. College life is the stage where you need to do your best to finish the degree that you took. “Determination today lead to success tomorrow”.
         High school and college are the stages where you were need to study very well. In high school and college life we need to earn good grades. Good grades in high  school will help us to take the course that we want and good grades in college help us to have better career. High school and college both have teachers, textbooks, home works, quizzes, and they both have rules and regulations that we need to obey.             When I was in high school I studied at private and we are always 20 to 30 students in class and now I’m college I studied at University so we are 50 above students in class. When I was in high school I know everybody in our school and everyone in our class, I also have many friends when I was in high school while now I’m in college I just know few people in RTU and I can count to my fingers my friends now. In high teachers requires to discussed all the lessons in book and sometimes some lessons discussed for weeks and they give a lot of information about the lesson while In college the discussion for 1 lesson is just for an hour and some professor required to search a lot of information about the topic and you need to study by yourself. In high school you can’t choose the schedule that you want while now in college you can choose the schedule that you want. In high school  always join in extra curricular activities but now in college I don’t have time to join in some activities because I need to manage my time very well and I need to focus on my study.              High school and college are both difficult and challenging but they are part of our lives that we need to exceed to reach our dreams. Studying may cause lack of sleep and sometimes you get stress but after all your sacrifice you will obtainable to better life that you want. We are very lucky we studied because not all people blessed to have many to study. I will do my best to finish the course that I took to efface all fatigue and hardship of my parents for me.

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