Friday, March 4, 2016

"Rodrigo Duterte for President"

      Every country needs a leader , a leader that can manage their Government. President is head of the state or government, President is very important in one country because president is one who manage to solve every problem in one country. A good leader comes from us so if we want a good leader we need to think very well who will vote for president. Every leader need to be wise, have dignity, need to have love for their country and people to their country, A leader always have great idea in everything. I think Mayor Rodrigo Duterte can be a good leader in our country because he is a mayor in Davao for many years and he handle the Davao properly.

      Mayor Duterte have strong personality and he can bind the people around him. He is too brave to fix all things in Davao so for me he can be effective President for us. He have a lot of accomplishment , he just not say want he want to happen but he prove it and do it.  

      Mayor Rodrigo Duterte have many accomplishment like peace and order in Davao because he made rules and all people obey his rules so it means he is an effective leader. Mayor Duterte made the Davao as 5th world's safest cities because in Davao all residence is responsible and follow the rules of Mayor Duterte. He made a lot landmark legislation for Davao because he knows the need of every people in Davao and all of them respect and just obey all the rules.
      Mayor Duterte has many platform when he become president like he is focus on crime , corruption, and drugs. He also focus on OFWs he want to improve labor conditions for OFWs, No income tax for working earning P20,000 below. Economic Development is also his platform he want to spread economic growth throughout the country.

       I do believe that Mayor Rodrigo Duterte can improve our country like what he do in Davao, He can make our country better and manage our country very well. He run for President because he want change for country unlike other candidates they just run for the position. His willingness is to defend our right to a fair share like share of a decent life, a happy home and a peaceful nation.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

"My Dream House"

       "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams". Dreams motivate you to work hard because you will be inspired and you have goal in life. When you dream about your future it means you have plan to your life and you will do everything just to reach you dream. All human being has a dream so if you have a dream don't just dream,just do it because the future is in our hands. Do our dreams come true, don't just dream.

           My dream house is big which is until 3rd floor and looks like castle. The some parts of my dream house is made of glass specially in front because I want to look it classy and modern house. The rest part of my dream house is made of bricks. I also want that my dream house have swimming pool and garden that have many flowers and different plants because it was very refreshing to see and it can give fresh air. My dream house also have balcony to see the view. The color of my dream house is nude because it looks elegant.

           My dream house have spacious living room, a big and soft sofa which is color black and a living room that have complete living room appliances. A kitchen that have complete kitchen appliances and have a big dining table. My dream house have 5 bed rooms that have their own comfort room and master bed that also have sofa,flat screen TV, and king size bed . For over all I want entire house always look clean, always smells good, and all things are organized.

          "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; It takes sweat, determination and hard work". It's not possible to reach our dream house if we work hard and don't let it just be a dream. My dream house inspire me to work hard and don't give up no matter what just to achieve what I want to get someday. A house is made of bricks and beams, A home built with love and dreams. "Dream and never stop dreaming, cause dreams always come true if you believe".

Monday, February 15, 2016

"Education is the key to success"

          “Education is the most powerful we can use to change the world”. It can change the world and specially your life because education prepare you for a better future. High school life is the stage where you were build your wants or what you want to be someday. College life is the stage where you need to do your best to finish the degree that you took. “Determination today lead to success tomorrow”.
         High school and college are the stages where you were need to study very well. In high school and college life we need to earn good grades. Good grades in high  school will help us to take the course that we want and good grades in college help us to have better career. High school and college both have teachers, textbooks, home works, quizzes, and they both have rules and regulations that we need to obey.             When I was in high school I studied at private and we are always 20 to 30 students in class and now I’m college I studied at University so we are 50 above students in class. When I was in high school I know everybody in our school and everyone in our class, I also have many friends when I was in high school while now I’m in college I just know few people in RTU and I can count to my fingers my friends now. In high teachers requires to discussed all the lessons in book and sometimes some lessons discussed for weeks and they give a lot of information about the lesson while In college the discussion for 1 lesson is just for an hour and some professor required to search a lot of information about the topic and you need to study by yourself. In high school you can’t choose the schedule that you want while now in college you can choose the schedule that you want. In high school  always join in extra curricular activities but now in college I don’t have time to join in some activities because I need to manage my time very well and I need to focus on my study.              High school and college are both difficult and challenging but they are part of our lives that we need to exceed to reach our dreams. Studying may cause lack of sleep and sometimes you get stress but after all your sacrifice you will obtainable to better life that you want. We are very lucky we studied because not all people blessed to have many to study. I will do my best to finish the course that I took to efface all fatigue and hardship of my parents for me.

"To be accountant someday"

        Choosing of course is probably hard specially when you don't know what do you want to be someday. Before I go to the next journey of my life which is college life I thought very well which course I'm going to take up. I decide to take up accountancy but I also want to take up engineering but at the end of the day I choose accountancy because it was very in demand right now. "Accountancy is the measurement,processing and communication of financial information about economic entities". I thought that I have better future in this course and their will be a lot of opportunity when I become a CPA.
        I choose accountancy as my course because at first it was my eldest sister wants for me she always thought that when I take up accountancy I will get a better job someday so therefore I choose to be an accountancy. To become CPA someday is not easy to pursue because it takes time and effort, so for now I need to study very well therefore i will reach my goal which is to become CPA someday. Accountancy student has a maintaining grade so you need to study well and sometimes it cause lack of sleep. I choose to become accountancy student because I have great dream for my family and also for myself and I believe it will help me to pursue what I want to be. 

        I have no regret to choose accountancy as my course because I know that it was God's will so therefore I took it. I need to love with all my heart and do everything to pass because my future is in my hand. If you want something happen do it and work for it. The better future that you want will be created in the present time. Never dream about success just worked for it, don't wait until something will happen. "Success will never be a big step in the future, success is a small step taken just now".